Manuka Performance exists to help people be more healthy, this is a fundamental tenet to who we are and why we exist. You can read more about us here.
We have several strong points of difference, the nutraceutical advantages our products provide, the unique Kiwi narrative of our company and the unwavering ways in which we support events, grass roots sport, athletes and the communities they live in.
Currently however, there is one thing all sports nutrition companies have in common - that's the very packaging all our products come in. No one has a viable solution for this yet - believe us we have searched high and low for a solution. Noting in the world of packaging hits that sweet spot for liquid food products in the areas of:
- shelf life
- durability
- food hygiene regulations
- product quality
In starting this company, we set out to create positive change in the market. Part of this change aspires to develop packaging which not only meets the above requirements, but also minimizes waste. Not just recycling, but truly biodegradable packaging.
To do this would require significant R&D, and a heap of money. We are embarking on this journey - hopefully with some of New Zealand's leading research institutes. This presents a great opportunity for New Zealand to lead the way again.
The more we grow as a company, the more we can throw at this and bring on the right stake-holders to develop world leading bio-tech. We acknowledge that it's kind of chicken or the egg - we need to get product to market, to build a brand in order to grow to a point where we can create change. Our unwavering commitment to helping people be more healthy means helping make the world more healthy too.
The concept of Kaitiakitanga / Guardianship (one of our core-values) means we protect and look after what is important. The environment being one important part of the equation.