MP Sports Nutritionist: Gavin Clearkin

MP Sports Nutritionist: Gavin Clearkin

Manuka Performance brings on globally recognized Sports Nutritionist and Dietitian Gavin Clearkin.

Introducing the newest member of the team - Internationally recognized Sports Nutritionist and Dietitian: Gavin Clearkin.

Athletes and Sports People put their trust in nutrition companies like Manuka Performance to ensure that what they are putting into their bodies not only works, but passes all strict global standards and anti-doping rules.

We are stoked to have the advisory services of Gavin, who comes to us with an impressive history of top athletes, teams and sporting bodies he has worked with.


Introducing Gavin Clearkin:


Gavin Clearkin Manuka Performance

Performance Nutritionist and Dietitian

BNutr Diet (Hons), IOC PG Dip Sports Nutrition


Gavin is an internationally recognised IOC (International Olympic Committee) Sports Dietitian/Nutritionist.  Having worked around the world in elite sport for many years he has a wealth of experience in all aspects of nutrition.  Gavin currently runs a successful private practice seeing both sports and non-sports nutrition clients. 

His clientele includes people trying to improve their body composition, performance and overall health, athletes from a wide range of sports (amateur to elite), and many clinical cases too; he works with anyone that needs his nutritional expertise.  Gavin has significant expertise and knowledge in the safe and effective use of supplements to enhance body performance, training adaptations and recovery. 

He has run supplement programs for many elite sports organizations around the world, and is widely seen as an expert in the field.  He prides himself on being science and evidence-based and he is constantly keeping up to date with the latest research on nutrition and supplementation. 

Gavin’s past work experience includes working for many years as a Senior Performance Nutritionist for High Performance Sport NZ, the English Institute of Sport, Scottish Institute of Sport, he has also been the Lead Performance Nutritionist for many top sports teams and organisations including NZ Warriors, NZ Kiwis Rugby League, NZ Cricket, NZ Athletics, Blues Rugby, NZ Breakers Basketball, Emirates Team NZ, NZ and GB Hockey, England Cricket, and England Rugby.  He has worked with many top athletes including Joseph Parker, Valerie Adams, Dylan McCullough and Courtney Duncan. 

Prior to becoming a qualified dietitian, Gavin worked in London as a personal trainer. 

Gavin runs his own consultancy: Sports Nutrition Services - check him out and who he has worked with!

We will be utilizing Gavin's experience and knowledge to help us formulate new products and create the best possible all natural sports nutrition available from Manuka Honey. Watch this space!


We encourage any aspiring athlete to get in touch with Gavin and his services to get the best nutrition performance for their career possible.


Check out our natural sports products below:

Natural Sports Nutrition Manuka Performance