The benefits to health from Mānuka honey extend beyond the activities of
MGO (Methylglyoxal – the unique, active component in Mānuka honey).
Mānuka Performance is undertaking gound-breaking research into areas
where human trials are somewhat limited. The presence of compounds in
Mānuka honey extend beyond MGO, and its known activity. Our R&D team at
Mānuka Performance Labs exist to realise the value of using Mānuka Honey
and to quantify its value to human (and animal) health.

Honey, Exercise & Athletic Performance

Is Honey good for Exercise?

Why honey is superior for Exercise & Athletic Performance The consumption of energy giving substances before, during and after any form of physical exercise improves the individual’s performanc...
Whakatane F45 Nutrition

Kiwi Natural Energy Products a Hiit with F45

Whakatane based sports nutrition company Manuka Performance is proving a Hiit with the new local Whakatane F45 gym! Nick and Sarah from Whakatane F45 have been open for business and kicking butt fo...
Dehydration and Workplace Safety New Zealand

Dehydration and Workplace Safety New Zealand

Dehydration and Workplace Safety New Zealand Are you keeping your employees and workers adequately hydrated, energized and safe? New Zealand summers can be unforgiving, long and hot. All New Zealan...

We work in collaboration across multiple organisations

Chief medical officer

Dr marc s. stevens, md

FACS, FICS, Fellow of the American Academy, Board Certified Americal Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Dr Marc is our Medical Physician based in North Carolina, USA. With over 20+ years' experience across the board including 15 years in nutrition and nutraceuticals. Marc brings deep understanding and connections throughout all areas of the USA medical scene including research, clinical surveys and partnerships.

chief science officer

lillian morton phd

PhD Medical and Health Sciences. MDc (dis). IOC Sports Nutrition Diploma. ISAK Level 3. NZ Registered Nutritionist.

Lillian comes from decades of working with High Performance Sports NZ, Olympics, Rugby New Zealand continues to specialize in working with high performance athletes. She is a researcher and scientist, developing research methodologies, keynote speaking and more.